
>> 06/12/2008

Une prime de 50 millions de dollars a été offerte par les Etats-Unis pour la capture ou la mort ou toute information conduisant à la capture ou la mort d'Oussama Ben Laden. De nombreux experts estiment qu'il se terre dans les zones tribales pakistanaises, même si certains pensent qu'une grande ville pakistanaise pourrait être un meilleur refuge. 

Asked whether he could confirm recent reports that bin Laden had been seen recently in Afghanistan, Gates said ''no.'' Media reports late this week mentioned accounts of unconfirmed bin Laden sightings in recent weeks.


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    FRACTE is quite similar to a news-broadcasting website. Information is no longer given under an journalistic or historical point of view but rather under an artistic, sensitive and immaterial form.. When news come out (whether it be war or elections or anything else), an article will be published, involving several forms of artistic expression. Information, extracted from its political and ideological context, becomes then a combination of senses and emotions, aspiring to be shared by the public, according to their own and variable sensibility.

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    FRACTE doesn't offer just a constant flow of information but a constant sensitive flow, so that anyone may contribute.

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